Philadelphia Printworks

We Say Enough Poster | Lambi Chibambo


Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise

By Maya Angelou

From cradle to grave, we are conditioned to always live in fear, to watch every movement we make and exist in a constant state of paranoia. Asking ourselves #AmINext? But we say no more! We will not stop until we are free to move with ease and peace. We say enough! — Lambi Chibambo

The profit from the sale of this product is split 50/50 with the artist. Visit our Community Partners page to see the organizations and work supported by your purchase.

Poster Print | 100lb silk text stock | 12”x18” 

About the Artist

Photo of artist holding bottle with tongue outLambi Chibambo, who goes by Lamb of Lemila, is originally from Malawi, Lambi and was raised in Cape Town, South AfricaAfter completing her studies in Film & Television and Media & Writing at The University of Cape Town, she decided to go on a grand adventure whilst pursuing a career in the art industry and developing her skills as an artist. On a mission to take over the world, she uses art as her medium to engage, explore and understand all that is around her. Sharing those experiences through her work.



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